

Synthesizer is an exhibition of painting and drawing by
Valerie Brennan and Chiaki Kamikawa.
Opening February 12th @ 7.30 pm by
The Ambassador of Ireland Mr. Nicolas Twist,
 Apocalypse Gallery, Nicosia
Duration February 12th to 24th 2016


Valerie Brennan creates striking abstract work in an expressive style.  Thick and thin layering of oil paint and the various surface textures reflect the motion of the artist while making the work. The complex work of Chiaki Kamikawa draws attention to our subconscious mind.  The dream like scenes unfolds narratives of unknown worlds. Whilst on the surface the two artists don’t appear to have much in common, being stylistically and aesthetically different, both of the artists share a similar approach to their work. Neither begins with a predetermined image, trusting in the process of making and in their  own intuition to let an image emerge. Synthesizer allows two radically different artists to add a particular and individual voice to their shared dialogue, to speak in parallel of the myriad possibilities of process driven art and through their differences highlight the common impetus to be ourselves.

Valerie Brennan, Love Machine, oil on wood, 80 x 60cm, 2015
Chiaki Kamikawa, Listen to the voice from celebration pots, 2015, 24 x 30cm, oil on canvas